

HTFA型軸流式消防排煙風機Atypy fire-control fan for extraction smoke
輸送空氣和其它不自燃,對鋼材無腐蝕性氣體,氣體內不允許有粘性物質,所含的塵土及硬質顆粒物不大于150mg/m',作通風換氣時進氣溫度不得超過80°C ,作消防用時,煙氣溫度應在280C時能連續運30分鐘以上。
Itis sutable for ventiation and fre contol of tll builings, subwaytunne, underground stores, gymnasia, etc. This fan is set up whdouble- speed motor, it operates at a low speed normaly and sedfor ventiation. Once ourrence afire, the fan is automatcalytransterred into high-speed and discharge smoke by the electrccontrol system, which fciltates safe evacuation of personnel on thefire spot.The transporting medium is air or other non-spontaneous-combustion and non- explosive - combustion air with no ham 10human. The air transferred shall not contain any adhesive matenal,dust and grain and the concentration shall not exceed 150mgim3awhen the temperature shall not exceed 80C . When used for frecontrol, the fans can run more than 30 minutes continually under thecondition that the air and smoke temperature is at 280C

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